Trent Sow Landscape Advice

Trent Sow Landscape Advice

Sensitively integrating HS2 within special landscapes
Trent Sow Review Group

About the project

LUC is helping to sensitively integrate HS2 within the special landscape at the confluence of the Trent and Sow Rivers and Cannock Chase AONB in Staffordshire.

Our client was a Review Group formed of representatives from the National Trust, Cannock Chase AONB partnership, Natural England, Historic England, Staffordshire County and Borough Councils, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, the Canal and River Trust, Inland Waterways Association, the Landmark Trust and HS2.

Environmental enhancement projects

Following our expert input on the Design Guide, we engaged with local stakeholders to identify Environmental Enhancement Projects that will help enhance biodiversity and community experience. LUC prioritised, shortlisted and risk assessed a long list of around 60 concepts to develop deliverable projects.

The final shortlist of projects put forward for funding by HS2 include improvements to access, the creation and restoration of habitats for wildlife, and recording and promoting local heritage. These projects should make substantial improvements to the area, helping to create a more resilient landscape in the face of change as a result of the implementation of HS2 infrastructure, but also for climate change.

Most notably, the large-scale woodpasture and river floodplain restoration projects will create 102 ha of habitat, providing important linkages to existing protected habitats.

Successful funding

HS2 and the Trent Sow Review Group unanimously agreed to fund the projects to £1.5 million through a specific enhancement fund. LUC's report on the development and selection process of the projects went to the Secretary of State to secure funding and enable implementation from summer 2021.

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