houses at the bottom of a hill

Lake District National Park Design Code shortlisted for RTPI North West Award

The Lake District National Park Design Code, a project LUC collaborated on with the Lake District National Park Authority, has been shortlisted for the RTPI North West Awards for Planning Excellence 2024.

houses in rural area

Clear design for a World Heritage Site

The Design Code simplifies sets out design requirements for planning applications across the Lake District National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It provides clear design expectations alongside strong design principles.

The Code prioritises local distinctiveness and sustainability goals like reducing carbon emissions and boosting biodiversity. It will influence all developments in the Park, aligning with the Park Authority's sustainability objectives.

The Design Code is a first-of-its-kind for a large rural area, setting a new benchmark for similar projects. LUC led the project, working closely with the Park Authority's team of experts. We also partnered with John Coward Architects.

The user-friendly Code guides decisions on various projects and helps applicants understand the Park's unique character.

houses at the bottom of a hill

Award ceremony

The winners will be announced at the Annual Dinner on 27 June in Manchester.

We are proud of the Design Code and its positive impact on the Lake District National Park.

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