Ecological enhancement & ECoW
What we offer
- Ecological mitigation and enhancement
- Strategic ecological design
- Biodiversity enhancement plans
- Protected species licensing
- Habitat creation
- Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW)
The service explained
Our dedicated team helps clients and contractors implement environmental best practice during construction. We provide on-site support relating to delivering, or monitoring, compliance with legislation and consents.

Mitigation & enhancement
We work to avoid and minimise the ecological impact of developments, ensuring the overall ecological value of sites is enhanced. We use Biodiversity Net Gain calculations to confirm the positive effects of proposals.

Protected species licensing
Our team holds a suite of protected species licences that enable our clients to develop their sites in compliance with nature conservation legislation. From complex bat exclusions at nursing homes to badger exclusions at infrastructure projects, we ensure our clients’ projects don’t suffer delays.

Environmental Clerk of Works
We provide services in supervising and monitoring environmental mitigation during construction. As Environmental Clerk of Works, we translate mitigation requirements in the Environmental Statement into practical measures on the ground.

Get in touch
If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.