Photomontage & visualisation

What we offer

  • 3D Visualisation
  • Panoramic site-specific photography
  • Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
  • Accurate Visual Representations (AVR)
  • Night-time visualisation
  • Animation

The service explained

We produce technical visualisations, in compliance with Industry relevant guidance, and more illustrative images to communicate and support a huge range of projects. This work helps bring an idea to life, whether for community consultation or funding applications.

Mountain landscape with houses

3D visualisation

Our visualisations illustrate a proposal's likely landscape and visual effects and help the decision-maker/competent authority understand these effects. We visualise both urban and rural landscapes, at various levels of detail, from basic block models to fully rendered 3D models.

People walking on path alongside water

Panoramic site-specific photography

We advise clients of representative viewpoints with a comprehensive desktop assessment before using an established methodology for photography. We precisely record the position of the camera and other parameters to ensure the accuracy of the final photomontages.


Accurate Visual Representations

Our specialists produce scaled visualisations that show the location of a proposed development, the degree to which it will be visible, its detailed form and/or the materials to be used.