Northgate Urban Design Framework and Masterplan
Protecting Northgate's heritage
Darlington Borough Council appointed LUC to produce Northgate’s Conservation Area Appraisal, Urban Design Framework, and Masterplan.
The Masterplan area has significant historic value, with links to Darlington’s Quaker heritage and status as a railway pioneer.
Northgate’s special heritage interest became the ‘golden thread’ of placemaking across social, cultural, economic, and environmental themes.
Placemaking and regeneration
Northgate is an area in decline. It has a run-down appearance, with a high degree of social deprivation, physical dilapidation, and a struggling economy.
The Masterplan seeks to enhance and activate natural and built assets that contribute positively to place and provide a network of green and blue infrastructure.
It aims to ensure Northgate is a thriving, sustainable place for people to live and work.

Masterplanning and urban design
A fundamental starting point in LUC’s design process was gaining an understanding of the place, its history, and local culture through an evidence-based, site-specific approach.
The UDF established the design principles for the Masterplan.
It set out the key design considerations for topography, built form, streets, public realm, green and blue infrastructure, boundary treatments, car parking, and use of appropriate materials.
The Masterplan presented the vision and objectives for the area alongside a Concept Masterplan, which imagined the possibilities for Northgate.
Details on conservation-led development, access and circulation, sustainability and green space were included.
Collaborating on placemaking
The design principles for the Northgate Masterplan were drawn up via a process of co-design and collaboration.
LUC coordinated a series of stakeholder workshops to co-design the Masterplan, ensuring engagement from key partners such as Historic England, the Environment Agency, Northumbria Water, and Durham Wildlife Trust.
Community stakeholders were consulted as part of a three-phase consultation strategy incorporating surveys, open-air consultation at a local park and school grounds, and a webinar providing feedback on project progress.