Jon Pearson
Jon has over 17 years’ experience as an environmental planner, following over a decade working as a chartered management accountant.
Jon specialises in strategic planning, both on evidence studies to support plan-making and on environmental assessments of emerging plans.
Jon’s research has informed development plan evidence bases or guidance documents across a diverse range of topics: natural capital, ecosystems services, climate change, renewable energy, green infrastructure, Green Belt and biodiversity. He has also carried out numerous strategic environmental assessments (SEA), sustainability appraisals (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) of local plans. The SA/SEAs frequently integrate Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA).
With knowledge of local planning authorities and the former regional planning bodies, Jon often provides a ‘critical friend’ service to local authority clients who carry out their plan assessments in-house.
Favourite projects
Gloucestershire Assessment of Strategic Development Opportunities
Multiple authoritiesMaidstone SA and HRA of Local Plan Review
Maidstone Borough CouncilRTPI Masterclasses: Sustainability Appraisal and Climate Change
RTPIRunnymede Climate Change Study
Runnymede Borough Council